Thursday, October 17, 2019

Journal for Notorious Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journal for Notorious - Essay Example The viewer is waiting for a close-up of the principle character but has to look for the woman in the crowd. It is also necessary to add that Alicia appears as an elegant woman pertaining to the high society. In this case, the director remains ‘faithful’ to this image and the woman appears as the same elegant lady in exquisite gowns throughout the entire movie. When it comes to Devlin, he appears as the ‘mysterious’ Mr. Right. He is sitting in the forefront and only his silhouette is seen. The viewer observes numerous things happening in the room. For instance, the couple is dancing, other people are sitting. It is clear that Alicia is interested in the Mr. Silhouette. The viewers are bound to focus on the mysterious man and wait when his face is seen. It is possible to note that the degree of anticipation is greater when Devlin’s silhouette appears. When it comes to the character’s costumes, he is always elegant and elaborate. 2. The viewer starts caring about the two leading characters when they are on the board of the plane taking them to Rio. Devlin tells the news about Alicia’s father (which is really intimate) and she shares her feelings about her relationships with her father as they used to be. She opens up her heart and it is clear that she is a good person just like Devlin is. It is also clear that the two are destined to be together though this idea comes to the viewers’ mind during the first scenes of the movie when Alicia meets Devlin at the party. 3. Hitchcock sets a romantic and somewhat dramatic tone to the film. There are elements of a comedy but the overall mood is rather dramatic. It is especially vivid in one of the final scenes when Devlin saves Alicia and tells her about his love. There is always a reminder of the war or spy secrets and duty or some plot. More so, the principle female character’s life has been rather tragic and it is not clear whether there will be a happy end for her. She is

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